Georgina Siddall


Hi, my name is Georgina. I’m a women’s wellness coach and teacher of mindful movement and meditation.

I help busy working women in their 40’s and 50’s conquer stress, exhaustion and overwhelm, so they can excel in their mid-life and beyond.

About Georgina      Qualifications         Speaking

About Georgina

I’m a corporate climber turned women’s wellness warrior and, never in a million years did I think this is how my life would turn out!

A born and bred overachiever, I pursued academic success at the expense of everything else in my life. After university, I travelled the well-worn corporate path, seeking out more responsibility, more money and more opportunities to advance my career because… that’s what you’re supposed to do, right?

Fast forward to burnout and what I thought was a heart attack, followed by a diagnosis of anxiety and depression. My whole world crumbled – I couldn’t work, I struggled to find joy, and on some days, I couldn’t even get out of bed.

My breakdown was the wake-up call I needed and I am profoundly grateful for the lessons I learned when I hit rock bottom: 

That life lived at warp speed isn’t truly living.

It’s unfulfilling and unsustainable and, when I was well enough to start earning a living again, I knew things had to change!

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness were vital to my recovery; these practices fostered mental and emotional resilience, taught me to savour the present moment; and replenished my innate curiosity and lust for life.

Now, as a Women’s Life and Wellness coach and yoga teacher, I’m in the driver’s seat and am able to work and live in a way that is nourishing, supports my wellbeing and aligns with my values. I understand that busyness is not a badge of honour so, when my calendar is bursting at the seams and exhaustion starts creeping in, I am able to recognise the warning signs and take steps to redress the balance.

The most joyful part is that my journey led me to a ‘job’ that sets my soul on fire. As someone who pushed herself to the brink and found her way home, it’s my passion in this life to help other high-achieving women do the same, so that they too can live a life brimming with wellness and joy.

Vitality is our natural state, and I’m dedicated to supporting as many women as possible to live as their most vital selves!



A life-long student, I am always looking for opportunities to expand my knowledge and experience.

  • Certified Life Coach, Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy
  • Yoga Teacher Training, Level 1 and 2
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Yoga for Menopause
  • Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga
  • Mat and Reformer Pilates
  • First Aid and CPR

As seen on

The 4 Q Podcast, Take Control with Nicole and Inside Out with Kris.

Georgina is a passionate and engaging speaker. She speaks from the heart about her personal experience of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm, and shares tips, tools and strategies to help other women avoid burnout.

She regularly speaks on topics such as:

  • From corporate climber to wellness warrior
  • Protecting against burnout: Common signs of burnout and what to do about them
  • Self care for busy women
  • Building your mental health toolkit
  • Productivity, self worth and self care
  • Living a life of ease, flow and joy