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How I Stay Healthy on Holidays + How You Can Too

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If you’ve been following our journey on Instagram, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what our holidays look like so, we’ve roped in a friend who loves to travel and knows a thing or two about staying healthy and active on the road.  If you’ve got any secret tips for staying healthy on holidays, we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line.

Now, over to you Che….


Let’s be real – it’s hard to stay active and healthy when you’re on holiday!

There’s food galore, you’re out of your normal routine, celebrating the fact that you made it to your break/the end of the year in one piece (which is a real feat sometimes!) and surrounded by parties and people you love.

Just a few short years ago, I saw going on holiday as an opportunity to let loose and catch my breath for a few weeks. I’d go from one extreme (workaholic) to the other (Lazy-Mc-Lazy) and by the end of the break, I’d feel depleted and unwell. As someone who, for most of the year, maintains a regular exercise regime, eats well and strives to feel her very best (physically, emotionally and mentally), this contrast wasn’t something that made me feel good.

In recent years I’ve made many changes in my life which have led to me prioritising feeling healthy on the daily. This has become the number one driver behind all my decisions. From this, my relationship to the festive season, and holidays more generally, has completely shifted. Now I take my values on the road so I can remain healthy on holidays.


I used to go to every celebration under the sun and drink copious amounts of alcohol…

Now, to stay healthy on holidays, I use my discretion, pair alcohol with tonnes of water and volunteer myself as the designated driver from time to time.

I used to make use of all-you-can-eat buffets…

Now, I choose to stay at sweet Airbnb’s, shop for local produce and enjoy nights at home in the kitchen.

I used to put my exercise regime on hold for a few weeks…

Now, I incorporate it into my altered ‘holiday schedule’. This means enjoying things that I don’t get to do in my everyday life, like going on hikes, bike riding and swimming. Some years, I even like to visit yoga and health retreats to help me reset, restore and recharge. Staying healthy on holidays doesn’t have to be boring!

I used to eat All. The. Things…

Now, I tune in to what my body needs before I sit down to a meal. When I do this, I notice that what my body usually wants is a lot of greens, grains, good fats and protein – not all the regular junk I used to pig out on come holiday time! For me now, it’s not about eating less, it’s about eating more of the good stuff that makes me feel vibrant and alive!



As fun as it can be to let loose when we’re on holidays, or during the festive season, I suggest asking yourself these questions:

  • How do I want to feel during and after the holiday period? What can I do to ensure that I feel this way?
  • What can I do before I go on holiday so I don’t feel the need to ‘let loose’ and throw all my healthy habits out the window? Could I manage my stress better? Invite more balance and play into my life? Ask for help so I don’t feel as overwhelmed? Eat well and increase my fitness so I feel inspired to stay on track during the break?
  • How can I plan so that I keep up my healthy eating and fitness during my holiday? Can I recruit my family to exercise with me? Can I research the local area where I’m holidaying and find fun activities to do and healthy places to eat? Can I tune into the needs of my body before I eat? Can I give myself space between plates?

Remember, staying healthy and active while you’re on holidays and during the festive season isn’t about restriction – it’s about feeling your best! The healthier you are, the more energetic, clear-headed and happier you are!


You still have a few weeks left before Christmas – take responsibility for your health and start planning now. The power to remain healthy on holidays in your hands!


Che is a life loving gal who is addicted to feeling good!

When she’s not sipping on cacao, moving her body or spending time in the sunshine, she’s tapping away at her computer helping wellness entrepreneurs grow their businesses. She helps babes in biz plan and write content that captures the attention of their ideal clients, builds trust and makes them money. You can find out more about her and her work at or follow her healthy adventures on Instagram

* I am not a medical or health professional and the content provided in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you may be suffering from mould-related illness, please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider.

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