There are so many benefits of gratitude. Gratitude sends happiness chemicals to your brain, which in turn soothes your nervous system. And when your nervous system is at ease, you…

Meditation. Now, there’s a word with a whole lotta baggage. You probably know the many benefits. You have probably tried it… possibly more than once. You probably think you’ve ‘failed’……

I’ll be the first to put my hand up and say I struggle to stick to a daily meditation practice. Erratic would be the best way to describe it: a little…

If you feel stuck, scattered, burnt out or disconnected, chances are, your root chakra could use a tune-up. Keep reading to find out how to activate the first chakra.  (not…

Meditation is for everyone but, in my experience, there is one group of people who really reap the benefits of meditation. Type A, high achiever, over achiever, perfectionist, workaholic. Whatever…

While we’re no longer on the run from hungry tigers, we do have to contend with traffic, unrealistic deadlines and screaming babies. Stress is unavoidable and, in some cases, essential…

Vitalita Health & Fitness ABN 80 925 567 895 | Vitalita Yoga ABN 81 677 389 057


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