Stiff neck, aching upper back? Keep reading and find out how to use yoga for upper body release. If you’re reading this on a smartphone or tablet, chances are you’ve…

Our bodies mirror the seasons Although here in Brisbane the changes are subtle, the impact on body and mind can be significant. As the mornings become cooler, the days shorter…

Technological, scientific and economic advancements have given us so many benefits, such as longer life span, reduced incidence of disease, the ability to travel almost anywhere and learn about anything….

New Year’s Eve has never been my thing. I’m not one for parties, rarely make it to the midnight countdown and think most new year’s resolutions are hollow. It’s been…

If you’ve been hanging around these parts for the past few months you’ll know we’re proponents of small changes and micro rituals, especially when it comes to self care  In isolation, these lifestyle…

Today, most people only experience yoga in a group environment – a gym, community centre or dedicated yoga studio. While group classes are accessible, affordable, and help create a vibrant…

If you’d asked me a couple of years ago, I’d have said yoga wasn’t my thing. I’d taken classes here and there but instead of feeling enlightened I felt lost, stiff…

While we’re no longer on the run from hungry tigers, we do have to contend with traffic, unrealistic deadlines and screaming babies. Stress is unavoidable and, in some cases, essential…

Self care is more than just a hashtag According to mental health organisation ReachOut, “self-care is any activity that you do voluntarily which helps you maintain your physical, mental or…

Although a quick scroll through your social media feed might lead you to think otherwise, yoga is about more than pretzel-like poses. The physical postures or asana are one of…

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Vitalita Health & Fitness ABN 80 925 567 895 | Vitalita Yoga ABN 81 677 389 057


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